Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011- Bring it On!

Okay, so this is my first real post. I guess it's fitting, being 1-11-11! An auspicious date. I have to say 2010 was not my best friend. It was a looong year. Some good things happened, but I am happy to be moving on.

I have a few resolutions. Most of them are about taking better care of myself. My one, big major resolution is to finally get over having to move to Maryland. I will embrace being here, and love the weather. (Maybe not the weather. That might be pushing it.) Anyway, I will find things to love about being here and get comfortable really living life and not just surviving.

In the spirit of moving on, I will just purge all my conflicted feelings about being here, and leave them on this page. Here are the pluses and minuses of moving from Vegas to Maryland:

-Don't feel like I am a small insect being scorched under a giant's giant magnifying glass.
-No more bill boards with g-stringed bottoms.
-Having a beautiful creek just beyond our back gate and a running path. This morning I saw six bucks, running fast, out the back window.
-No one cares about what kind of car you are driving, jeans you are wearing, sunglasses, etc.
-Along that same vein, no plasticky-looking people.
-Amazing school system. One of the best in the country.
-Being 30 min. away from my sister, Becky and 3 hours away from my brother, Jess. This also increases the likelihood that we will have other family visitors.
-Being so close the national mall, with all the amazing museums and monuments.
-Having fun places to go out to eat instead of your frachisey suburban fare.
-My husband has a wonderful job that he loves with security, and great benefits.
-Everyone is really smart and interesting. We are next to people from all over the world, and I think I am one of a very few people without an advanced degree. I think this is so cool.

-Here's the big one. I left behind a good number of amazing friends. Boo hoo. I miss you all enormously.
-No mountain views.
-I have no idea where to go on a road trip. (Except for Pennslyvania to visit Jess and his family. I should really do that.)
-Snowmaggedon. 'Nuff said.
-Related to Snowmaggedon- Pepco, our awful utility company. We lost power in the middle of Snowmaggedon last year for 24 hours and also for 48 hours this summer due to a 20 minute storm. Every time the weather is bad, I hold my breath.
-No massage clients. I'm working on this. My MD license should be here in a couple of weeks. I really miss my work, and all the wonderful clients I left behind in Albuquerque and Vegas.
-The best Mexican food is the stuff that I make. I think I could drive 45 min. to find one. However, we do have an abundance of Peruvian chicken here.
-My husband is gone for 10 & 1/2 hours every day.
-Here is the worst: the traffic is AWFUL!!! I'm not kidding. You can get stuck for 20 minutes on a small side street, attempting to go somewhere 2 miles away. This makes me feel totally claustrophobic. I live in a 3 mile radius bubble-thing. I want to leave, but I'm always scared to.
-Because everyone has so much going on, it is hard to coordinate playtime with moms and friends.
-Lack of sunshine. I definitely have to take Vitamin D here!

So there it is. I will try to get over it. I mean, I resolve to get over it. That sounds better, doesn't it?